If you're planning on starting a middle earth / lord of the rings playthrough for skyrim then these are some of the most crucial lotr weapon, armor, quest, music and location mods for skyrim special edition. Free jewelry on orders over 30, free o-rings with every order, free basic mail shipping on. Skyrim se best looking armor mods ( Updated : Octo) 8 Thane Weapons Reborn. Weapons Wraith Greatsword TH ID: Ancient: 5A007257 Simple: 5A00725A Sting OH ID: 5A00676C Spiderbane OH ID: 5A006774 Elven Short Blade D ID. If you're looking for skyrim lord of the rings mods for ps4 xbox or pc then this video will include at least some mods to accommodate all parties no matter what platform you're playing on. Welcome to the 10th Episode of game change where we'll take a look at almost every single skyrim lord of the rings mod in order to completely transform skyrim into a LOTR style game! high-res weapons: Sting, Legolas' bow and daggers, Witch King Sword, Sauron's Mace, Narsil, Anduril, Glamdring, and Morgul Blade from Lord of the Rings. If you enjoy what i do and want to help me continue to make videos then consider supporting me on patreon: